Marketing Genius is what drives 3500 calls a month
& multi-millions of dollars to our clients’ doors.
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TV /CTV / OTT Advertising
With 121 million TV’s across US Households, you can’t afford NOT to run the perfectly created and produced message The right ads on Traditional and Streaming TV will brand, build and outperform if done right.
Television viewership hasn’t dropped, its increased by multiple screens supporting it. How often is your phone, iPad or Laptop sitting on your lap while you watch the Tube? Whether or not your clients subscribe to cable, use an antenna, or watch everything on their phone, they all have TV’s in their homes and businesses to see it bigger.
What audience do you need? While the main Broadcast Stations (ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox) get the most viewership, Over The Top (OTT) viewing via Netflix/etc., the Hulu, Sling, Amazon Fire Stick, YouTubeTV crowds are growing exponentially each year. Most TV will be delivered via an App in the next few years. This means exact audience targeting will be even easier! Looking for women 21-34 who buy expensive jewelry or drive a certain car? We got em. And you can target their devices with the right technology and message.Our expert production teams will create the perfect message for each style of advertising we deploy.
Streaming Audio
Radio is slowly being replaced with “choice” music, podcasts, and phone calls. Between Pandora, Spotify, Sirius and podcasts, your message can reach even more adults daily, with precision targeting to audience type, and by message. Listen up!
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Social Media
Liking social media or not isn’t the question. Be smarter. Get cool, relevant, interesting, interactive and consistent content, we’ll help you find your niche to win. Push the magic button.
Your brand is extended to millions you’d never meet in person through your social media channels like Facebook (Meta), Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Linked In, and YouTube. Plumbers to Doctors, hip to strict, your message should be suited for your audience.
Google, Facebook, Instagram and You Tube are cutting edge avenues providing opportunity for your business to advertise to targeted audiences. Doing it right takes strategy, and time. Benefits include building relationships across a wider expanse of people, boosting your online presence, client targeting and letting people see inside your company. After all, you’re in business with people, and people like to be connected to you. Let people know you beyond the limits of your website or other advertising. Avoid shotgun approaches to online marketing. Keep it simple. Less acronyms.
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Digital Marketing
We provide a comprehensive approach to digital services that cover all of your company’s needs and increase your visibility online. You might not think you need a digital marketing strategy or your business doesn’t need an online presence, but your competitors do, and if you’re not presently online in a meaningful way, your probably losing potential clients to them.
How did anyone get along without the amazing internet we experience today? Whether you’re checking the weather, news, or shopping online, the online knowledge database grows exponentially. Your website and online presence needs to be managed professionally in house, or outsourced. Online directories you should be in, associations and connections that are needed to boost your online image are critical to staying at the top of searches.
Online digital marketing is ever changing, what may work today won’t necessarily work tomorrow. We take it personally to inform your company when it doesn’t and pivot to what does. We evaluate the effectiveness of all online activities to find missing or weak areas that can be repurposed and refocused on the ROI you need. Somebody’s gotta do it.
The digital marketing experts at marketingenius use only Certified Google AdWords Professionals to run your PPC campaigns successfully. “Pay-Per-Click” or PPC advertising are audience specific, targeted paid ads that run across search engines including Google, Bing and others. We care about your phone ringing, online forms and pay portals chinging, while raising your brand’s online awareness, and your profit line.
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Media Buying:
Buying the right advertising vehicles (TV/Digital/Radio/Print, etc.,) takes research, targeting and planning to become the foundation of a great media buy, which we pride ourselves in doing. However, your message must be the BEST it can be, designed for fast conversions…and that takes true genius. We will examine your business to make sure the message is memorable, and easy to understand.
We run regional and national campaigns for clients that can’t afford for them not to be perfect. Monitoring your campaign by daily calls, emails and reporting to your internal group at a pace you need, will solidify your confidence in the results you will see. Is Digital TV or TikTok right for your business? How about an email campaign aimed at your competitors clients, or a “lookalike” audience located where your existing clients are?
Media buying has evolved into a much more trackable service than ever before where targeting multiple audiences with individually created messages can happen very precisely.
Our job is to educate you in a way that you understand, not a bunch of industry jargon from the guy behind the curtain.Learn More